Charles Okyere

Associate Research Consultant
"Working in the non-profit sector, particularly at ICED has enhanced my capacity as a researcher in diverse ways. During my time at ICED, I have had the opportunity of receiving training on EGM, ToC, among others from Dr. Howard White and Dr. Ashrita Saran. I have [also] been able to participate in several research-related events focusing on research areas such as physical infrastructure, digital agriculture, digital communication, among others."

Dr. Charles Yaw Okyere

Dr. Charles Yaw Okyere holds a Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (Dr. Agr.) degree from the University of Bonn, Germany. He is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, University of Ghana, Legon. Charles has over 10 years of experience working on impact evaluations in Ghana, particularly Northern Ghana. Charles' work is inspired by his career objective of generating rigorous evidence for policy making through the application of behavioral, experimental and quasi-experimental economic techniques to health, education, agriculture and welfare in Africa. Furthermore, as an ambitious young researcher, he is motivated to learn new skills that will enhance my career in academia and beyond.

As a consultant at ICED, Charles provided technical advice on presentations made by the various research teams on their reports during the IINDWEGE Project. He also reviewed the Evidence Gap Map (EGM), Theory of Change (ToC), methodological review documents and cell-wise summary of the EGM developed as part of the IINDWEGE Project.

During his free time, apart from watching football and short documentaries, Charles is interested in writing academic and non-academic papers.

Location: Ghana