Brian Kofi Ametsikor

Operations & Logistics Manager
“Diligent, Disciplined, and Dedicated: that’s the kind of work I want to be remembered for.”

— Brian Kofi Ametsikor

As the Operations and Logistics Manager, Brian Kofi Ametsikor handles tasks around office management, procurement, protocol and general operations in ICED’s Ghana office.

Brian holds an MSc. in Occupational Health and Safety Management (OSHEM) from Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA). Brian’s previous role as procurement and logistics manager was a relevant transition into his current role at ICED. His work is inspired by creating working relationships and teamwork that results in productivity and positive results. The principles that drive Brian to show up and put in the hard work every day are what Brian calls “the three D’s”: Diligence, Discipline, and Dedication. Brian’s involvement in non-profit work, and at ICED, is fueled by his interest in learning, innovative development and achievement of results.

In his free time, when he is not watching documentaries, Brian can be found relaxing with a good read and good music, or on a tennis court, engaged in an active tennis match.

Location: Ghana