Story by Dr. Mercy Kamau, Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development
"ALL-IN Project Seminar on the Impact of Agro-Weather Advisory Services, held on January 26, 2024, at Tegemeo Institute's Boardroom, Nairobi. Participants Included Tegemeo Team, Officers from the Kenya Meteorological Department and Professor Mills of Virginia Tech and State University.
A research team, led by Dr. Mercy Kamau, held an in-house seminar to present preliminary results and receive feedback on an on-going study on the impact of agro-weather advisories. The research study which is supported under USAID’s Feed the Future Advancing Local Leadership, Innovation and Networks (ALL-IN) initiative assesses whether action-oriented advisories sent to farmers between 2021 and 2022, enhanced adaptive behaviour (with respect to response to weather variability), crop and livestock productivity in beneficiary farm households. The seminar was a culmination of a two-week retreat to analyse panel data, some of which was collected through the project. Prof Bradford Mills of Virginia Tech and State University, Virginia, USA was present to support the team."